Thursday, November 8, 2007

Thing 15: Library 2.0

I'm finding the conversation on Library 2.0 to be intellectually invigorating and mind-expanding, with implications that are revolutionary. I want to comment on two perspectives from the Library 2.0 writings that caught my fancy:

1. Change is constant, and we should accept that we will be in Beta mode all the time. This acknowledgment will allow a flexibility of mind, enabling us to adapt to the rapid technological innovations occurring now, all the time, on the web and in our world.

2. Chip Nilges of OCLC mentions Tim O'Reilly's (Web 2.0) concept of the collective intelligence: WOW! I love this idea. A hundred years ago, Jung expounded upon the collective unconscious to explain the human psyche, our archetypes, our dreams, our origins. Now, Web 2.0 lets us network on a global scale -- pool our resources and knowledge -- to create a technological intelligence and momentum that is revolutionizing life in the 21st century. OCLC is using this model ("Users add value") for its OpenWorldCat, allowing users to "contribute their expertise to the cooperative. OCLC’s work in this area to date has included a pilot program that allows anyone using OpenWorldCat to contribute and share tables of contents, notes and reviews." [from "To More Powerful Ways to Cooperate" by Chip Nilges.]

This is vast, it's infinite, it's interactive, it's uberintelligence.


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